Monday, June 18, 2012

Berkampung @ KPJ Seremban

Emak was admitted to the hospital due to the side effect from consuming supplementary food, as suspected by the doctors. Emak was in the hospital for 5 days and 4 nights. During that time, we took turns to take care of emak. Kami siap berumah tangga lagi di hospital. Nasib baik bilik besar, so it was not a problem to accommodate all of us :)

fruit basket from the hospital..

thanks to our cousin, sis natrah for the flower and fruit basket..  

Alhamdulillah, emak pun dah bertambah sihat. According to the doctors, emak kena stay lama sikit for full recovery. But then emak, everyday keep asking the doctors bila boleh balik. Sudahnya doctor kata boleh balik tapi kena datang semula in a few days for follow up.

We would like thank Dr Jeffrey dan Dr Saadiah, as well as the staff of KPJ Seremban who has helped for the fast recovery of emak and the hospitality rendered during our stay in the hospital.


  1. Semoga Emak cepat sembuh..
    take care

    1. time kasih kak.. alhamdulillah now recovering..
      tolong doa2kan juga ye :)
