Sunday, January 2, 2011

Memorable Raya '09 @ Oz - Tesselaar Tulip Festival

The next day, awal pagi dah siap nak keluar. Destination - Tulip Festival. Wah bestnya.. selalu tengok tulip seketul2 kat florist shop.. kali ni nak ke tulip farm. Tak mau cerita panjang2, enjoy the photos yea..

kat depan rumah penginapan.. nice and sweet..

kereta sewa for 5 days (2 units).. hyundai i-max, kalo kat m'sia, hyundai starex.. very spacious..

We are now heading to :
Tessalaar Tulip Festival
359 Monbulk Road
Silvan VIC 3795, Australia

Dari jauh dah nampak, luasnya kawasan, saujana mata memandang...

jauh nak jalan wooo.. penat la jugak..

ahli rombongan (not in the picture - the only man)..

sebatang pokok tulip.. pendek je..

the three sisters..

pakcik ni tengah petik bunga..

replika dutch windmill..

alpaca (yg kat blakang tu) - a domesticated species of South American camelid (members of the biological family Camelidae - it resembles a small llama in appearance).

it's me.. surrounded by tulips..

just the four of us..

nenek esah with the lavenders..


and more tulips..


spotted a photographer in action..

on the way out.. comel je diaorang nih..

It's good to see the real side of tulip. I thought of buying the above umbrella as a souvenir (price of AU$15 = RM75), then the boy said "sorry, it's not for sale". Ala, frustnya.. tak beli apa pun souvenir kat sini..even a fridge magnet.. menyesal plak rasanya...

Next : Sydney


  1. mmg gila kejap la tgk tulip tu... rasa nak petik2 je, pas tu bwk blk..

  2. bestkan tulip kat sini....diam2 i sempat petik sekuntum tulip bawak balik umah sebab nak show to my mum..hehehe.

  3. i nak petik takut..jadik le dpt cium2 n amik close up dgn tulip..
